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长期从事水工岩土工程地震动反应分析、水工结构系统抗震评估与防灾减灾、基于性能的抗震设计等方面的研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、中新国际联合研究院项目课题1项,并作为研究骨干参与了新加坡民政部等机构资助的多项科研项目。在岩土地震工程领域国际权威期刊如《ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》《Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics》《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》《Engineering Geology》等发表SCI论文近50篇,其中第一/通讯作者30余篇。研究成果获得香港Arup最佳研究奖。负责研发了基于GIS的地震灾害风险评估软件,可用于建筑群的震害损失分析,与新加坡、香港、英国、意大利等地区多所著名高校的学者有密切的学术合作。




1. Mo T, Wu Q, Li D-Q, Du W*. 2022. Influence of ground motion characteristics (velocity pulse and duration) on the pile responses in liquefiable soil deposits. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 159, 107330.

2. Wang MX, Li DQ, Liu Y, Du W*. 2022. Probabilistic decoupled approach to estimate seismic rotational displacements of flexible slopes considering depth-dependent soil variability. Acta Geotechnica 17, 1551-1567.

3. Du W*, and Ning CL. 2021. Modeling spatial cross-correlation of multiple ground motion intensity measures (SAs, PGA, PGV, Ia, CAV, and significant durations) based on principal component and geostatistical analyses. Earthquake Spectra 37(1), 486-504.

4. Wang W, Li DQ, Liu Y, Du W*. 2021. Influence of ground motion duration on the seismic performance of earth slopes based on numerical analysis. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering143, 106595.

5. Wang MX, Li DQ, Du W*. 2021. Probabilistic seismic displacement hazard assessment of earth slopes incorporating spatially random soil parameters. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 147(11), 04021119.

6. Wu Q, Li DQ, Liu Y, Du W*. 2021. Seismic performance of earth dams founded on liquefiable soil layer subjected to near-fault pulse-like ground motions. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 143, 106623.

7. Du W*, Yu X, Ning CL. 2020. Influence of earthquake duration on structural collapse assessment using hazard-consistent ground motions for shallow crustal earthquakes. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 18(7), 3005-3023.

8. Cheng Y, Ning CL, Du W*. 2020. Spatial cross-correlation models for absolute and relative spectral input energy parameters based on geostatistical tools. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 110(6), 2728-2742.

9. Du W*, TC Pan. 2020. Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Singapore. Natural Hazards 103, 2883-2903.

10. Li DQ, Wang MX, Du W*. 2020. Influence of spatial variability of soil strength parameters on probabilistic seismic slope displacement hazard analysis. Engineering Geology 276, 105744.

11. Du W*. 2019. Empirical correlations of frequency-content parameters of ground motions with other intensity measures. Journal of Earthquake Engineering 23(7), 1073-1091.

12. Du W*, Ning CL, Wang G. 2019. The effect of amplitude scaling limits on conditional spectrum-based ground motion selection. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 48(9), 1030-1044.

13. Du W*, Yu X, Wang G. 2019. Prediction equations for the effective number of cycles of ground motions for shallow crustal earthquakes. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 125, 105759.


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