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2003.09-2007.06 新2会员手机登录网址大全,农业水利工程专业,本科

2008.09-2011.03 中国水利水电科学研究院,水力学及河流动力学,硕士

2011.09-2014.01 清华大学水利水电工程系,水力学及河流动力学,博士


2014.01-2016.01 清华大学水利水电工程系,博士后

2014.02-2016.02 新加坡国立大学土木与环境工程系,Research Fellow

2014.01-2021.08 长沙理工大学水利与环境工程学院,副研究员

2021.09-2023.11 新2会员手机登录网址大全,副教授

2023.11-至 今 新2会员手机登录网址大全,教授


《水力学》      (本科生,32学时,主讲)

《工程水力学》    (本科生,32学时,主讲)

《流体力学》      (本科生,48学时,主讲)

《河流管理学》    (本科生,32学时,主讲)

《自然科学经典导引》 (本科生,16学时,主讲)

《科技论文写作指导》 (研究生,16学时,参与)

《河流泥沙工程》   (硕士生,6学时,参与)

《水利学科研究前沿》 (博士生,2学时,参与)


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 长江源辫状河流多尺度形态特征与演变机理研究, 2025.1-2028.12,主持

2.国家高层次人才特殊支持计划, 青年拔尖人才项目, 2023.10-2026.09, 主持

3. 科技部国家重点研发计划项目专题,长江中下游崩岸界定指标体系研究, 2023/12-2027/05, 主持

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 黄河源弯曲河流颈口裁弯过程与机理研究, 2020.01~2023.12, 主持

5. 科技部高端外国专家引进计划项目, 黄河源河流演变与生态保护, 2022.01-2023.12, 主持

6. 湖南省重大水利科技项目课题, 洞庭湖区河湖水域岸线空间管控识别及预判预警技术, 2022.06-2025.06, 主持

7. 湖南省自然科学基金优秀青年项目, 青藏高原河流演变过程与机理, 2020.01-2022.12, 主持

8. 湖南省科技重大专项项目, 江河湖库水系连通智能环保清淤关键技术与装备研究及示范, 课题一: 水系连通联合保障关键技术研究, 2018.06-2021.12, 主持

9. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 分汊河道沙洲冲淤实验及其临界水沙条件, 2018.01-2020.12, 主持

10. 国家自然科学基金项目“西南河流源区径流变化和适应性利用”重大研究计划的重点项目,供水-发电-环境相互作用关系的自适应建模与非平衡相变条件,子课题一: 拉萨河流域供水-发电-环境相互作用关联性分析, 2017.01-2020.12, 主持

11. 国家自然科学基金项目“西南河流源区径流变化和适应性利用”重大研究计划的培育项目, 径流变化下长江源复杂辫状河道形态动力过程的模拟方法研究, 2017.01-2019.12, 参与+主研

12. 国家自然科学基金项目“西南河流源区径流变化和适应性利用”重大研究计划的培育项目, 径流变化下三江源冲积河群的河床演变规律, 2016.01-2018.12, 参与+主研


2019 - 至今 国际水文学会大地侵蚀委员会,青年工作委员会副主席

2023 - 至今 长江技术经济学会长江河口保护与发展专业委员会,委员

2024 - 至今 中国大坝工程学会水库泥沙处理与资源利用专委会,委员

2024 - 至今 联合国教科文组织国际泥沙计划ISI亚洲区域,协调员







1.李希来,李志威,林春英. 黄河源高寒湿地水文过程与修复保护技术. 北京:化学工业出版社,2024.

2.李志威,王兆印. 黄河源区弯曲河流演变过程与机理. 北京:科学出版社,2021.

3.李志威,李凯轩,陈帮,等. 洞庭湖区水系连通分析方法与工程治理评价. 北京:中国水利水电出版社,2021.

4.Wang Zhaoyin, Li Zhiwei, Xu Mengzhen, Yu Guoan. River Morphodynamics and Stream Ecology of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2016.

5.王兆印, 李志威, 徐梦珍. 青藏高原河流演变与生态. 北京:科学出版社,2014.


1.李志威,李昆,谭岚,等. 洞庭湖区水系连通工程评价技术导则,湖南省地方标准(DB43/T 2305-2022),2022.(1/14)

2.夏军强,邓珊珊,许全喜,假冬冬,李志威,等. 河道崩岸监测规范(T/CHES 57-2021),中国水利学会团体标准, 2021.(5/20)


1.李志威,何育聪,夏军强,等. 辫状河流复杂形态表征方法与分析系统V1.0. 软件著作登记证书(2023SR0251302)。

2.李志威,高鹏,颜旭,等. 一种基于UAV航测地形数据的噪声处理技术,2018,发明专利. (ZL201810913145.9)

3.李志威,李想,吴新宇,等. 一种宽体水槽上自动移动的行车测量装置,2017,发明专利. (ZL201710102890.0)

4.李志威,胡世雄,胡旭跃,等. 基于照相机图像处理技术的水槽三维地形测量装置,2016,发明专利.(ZL201610210402.3)

5.李志威,胡世雄,王春艳, 等. 一种实验水槽泥沙床面整平方法及其装置,2016,发明专利.(ZL 201610209954.2)

6.夏军强、周美蓉、杨卓媛、邓珊珊、李志威. 基于多源数据融合的河口尾闾段出汊预测方法及装置,2020,发明专利. (ZL202010634819.9)




1. Cheng Yunshuo, Li Zhiwei. 2024. Morphodynamics of sine-generated meandering streams under variations of the width-to-depth ratio: a numerical investigation. Journal of Hydrology, 641,131830.

2. Cheng Yunshuo, Li Zhiwei, Yu Guo-An, Yao Weiwei, Cheng Bang. 2024. Formation of meandering streams in a young floodplain within the Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon in the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydroinformatics. doi: 10.2166/hydro.2024.171

3. Gao Chao, Wang Yaping, Li Zhiwei, Liu Congqiang, Gao Shu. 2024. Hydrodynamics of Meander Chute Cutoffs in Microtidal Mudflats. Water Resources Research, 60, e2024WR037129.

4. Gao Peng, Li Zhiwei. 2023. Exploring meandering river cutoffs. The Geological Society London: Special Publications, 540(1),1-22. doi: 10.1144/SP540-2022-261

5. Li Zhiwei, Gao Peng, You Yuchi, et al. 2023. Delayed neck cutoff in the meandering Black River of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Earth Surface Processes and Landform,48(5), 1052-1063.

6. Yang Hanyuan, Li Zhiwei, Lu Yongjun, Liu Huaixiang, Zuo Liqin. 2023. Mechanism of cantilever bank failure for peat-type meander bend in the Source Region of the Yellow River. International Journal of Sediment Research, 38, 421-431.

7. Guo Xiwei, Gao Peng, Li Zhiwei. 2023. Hydrologic connectivity and morphologic variation of oxbow lakes in an alpine pristine fluvial system. Journal of Hydrology,623,129768.

8. Li Zhiwei, Gao Peng, Wu Xinyu. 2022. Processes of neck cutoff and channel adjustment affected by seeding herbaceous vegetation and variable discharges. Catena, 208, 105731.

9. Li Zhiwei, Yang Hanyuan, Xia Junqiang, et al. 2021. Channel morphological processes of a highly sinuous bend approaching neck cutoff by bank erosion in the middle Yangtze River. International Journal of Sediment Research, 36(4), 457-467.

10. Gao Peng, Li Zhiwei, Yang Hanyuan. 2021. Variable discharges control composite bank erosion in Zoige meandering rivers. Catena, 204, 105384.

11. Guo Xiwei, Gao Peng, Li Zhiwei. 2021. Morphological characteristics and changes of two meandering rivers in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Geomorphology, 379, 107626.

12. Yu Guoan, Li Zhiwei, Yang Hanyuan, Lu Jianying, He Qing Huang, Yi Yujun. 2020. Effects of riparian plant roots on the unconsolidated bank stability of meandering channels in the Tarim River, China. Geomorphology, 351, 106958.

13. Li Zhiwei, Wu Xinyu, Gao Peng. 2019. Experimental study on the process of neck cutoff and channel adjustment in a highly sinuous meander under constant discharges. Geomorphology, 327, 215-229.

14. Li Zhiwei, Gao Peng. 2019. Channel adjustment after artificial neck cutoffs in a meandering river of the Zoige basin within the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Catena,172,255-265.

15. Li Zhiwei, Yu Guoan, Brierley Gary, Wang Zhaoyin, Jia Yanhong. 2017. Migration and cutoff of meanders in the hyperarid environment of the middle Tarim River, northwestern China. Geomorphology, 276:116-124.

16. Li Zhiwei, Wang Zhaoyin, Pan Baozhu, Du Jun, Gary Brierley, Yu Guoan, Brendon Blue. 2013. Analysis of controls upon channel planform at the First Great Bend of the Upper Yellow River, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 23(5): 833-848.


1. Li Zhiwei,Cheng Yunshuo, Fu Xudong, Wang Xupeng, He Yucong, Yu Guo-An, Yao Weiwei. 2024. Estimation for the sedimentation volume in the braided reaches of the middle Yarlung Tsangpo River. Science China: Technological Sciences.

2. He Yucong, Li Zhiwei, Xia Junqiang, Deng Shanshan, Zhou Yinjun.2024.Channel Morphological Characteristics and Morphodynamic Processes of Large Braided Rivers in Response to Climate-driven Water and Sediment Flux Change in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Water Resources Research, 60, e2023WR036126.

3. Guo Xiwei, Gao Peng, Li Zhiwei. 2023. Morphodynamic characteristics and their implicatioins of a complex anabranching system in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128(1), e2022JF006788.

4. Lu Hanyou, Li Zhiwei, Hu Xuyue, Chen Bang, You Yuchi. 2022. Morphodynamic processes in a large gravel-bed braided channel in response to runoff change: A case study in the Source Region of Yangtze River. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15,377.

5. Gao Peng, Li Zhiwei, You Yuchi, Zhou Yinjun, Piégay Hervé. 2022. Assessing functional characteristics of a braided river in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Geomorphology, 403, 108180.

6. You Yuchi, Li Zhiwei, Gao Peng, Hu Tiesong. 2022. Impacts of dams and land-use changes on hydromorphology of braided channels in the Lhasa River of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. International Journal of Sediment Research, 37(2), 214-228.

7. Tian Shimin, Li Zhiwei, Jiang Enhui, Wang Zhaoyin, Wang Wenlong, Sun Meng. 2021. Mineral composition and particle size distribution of river sediment and loess in the middle and lower Yellow River. International Journal of Sediment Research, 36(3), 392-400.

8. Li Dongfeng, Li Zhiwei, Zhou Yinjun, Lu XiXi. 2020. Substantial increase in the water and sediment fluxes in the headwater region of the Tibetan Plateau in response to global warming. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL087745.

9. Li Zhiwei, Lu Hanyou, Gao Peng, et al. 2020. Characterizing braided river systems of two nested watersheds in the source region of Yangtze River, China. Geomorphology, 351, 106945.

10. Jia Yanhong, Yi Yujun, Li Zhiwei, Wang Zhaoyin, Zheng Xiangmin. 2017. Integrating hydraulic equivalent sections into a hydraulic geometry study. Journal of Hydrology, 552, 407-420.

11. Yu Guoan, Li Zhiwei, Disse Markus, Huang Heqing. 2017. Sediment dynamics of an allogenic river channel in a very arid envionment. Hydrological Processes,31(11), 2050-2061.

12. Yuan Jing, Li Zhiwei, Madsen O. S. 2017. Bottom-slope induced net sheet-flow sediment transport rate under sinusoidal oscillatory flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122(1), 236-263.

13. Li Zhiwei, Yu Guoan, Brierley Gary, Wang Zhaoyin. 2016. Vegetative impacts upon bedload transport capacity and channel stability for differing alluvial planforms in the Yellow River Source Zone. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20(200), 3013-3025.

14. Li Zhiwei, Wang Zhaoyin, Pan Baozhu, Zhu Haili, Li Wenzhe. 2014. The development mechanism of gravel bars in rivers. Quaternary International,336, 73-79.


1. Li Zhiwei, Zhou Bingyu, Gao Peng, Guo Xiwei, Cheng Bang, Tian Shimin. 2024. Spatiotemporal variations of groundwater level in two peatland watersheds on the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Ecohydrology. doi:10.1002/eco.2698

2. Wang Danyang, Li Zhongwu, Li Zhiwei, Pan Baozhu, Tian Shimin, Nie Xiaodong. 2020. Environmental gradient relative to oxbow lake-meandering river connectivity in Zoige Basin of the Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Engineering, 156, 105983.

3. Wang Danyang, Li Zhiwei, Li Zhongwu, Ma Wenming, Nie Xiaodong, Yi Yujun. 2020. Point bars retained particulate organic carbon within a meandering river corridor in Zoige Basin of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology,588,125112

4. Li Zhiwei, Gao Peng. 2020. Characterizing spatially variable water table depths in a disturbed peatland watershed. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 29, 70-79.

5. Li Zhiwei, Gao Peng, Hu Xuyue, et al. 2020. Coupled impact of decadal precipitation and evapotranspiration on peatland degradation in the Zoige basin, China. Physical Geography, 41(2),145-168.

6. Wang Danyang, Li Zhiwei, Li Zhongwu, You Yuchi. 2019. Organic carbon flux in ditches during the growing season in a drained alpine peatland. Ecohydrology, 12(8), e2161.

7. Wang Danyang, Li Zhiwei, Li Zhongwu, Ma Wenming, Nie Xiaodong. 2019. Response of organic carbon in drainage ditch water to rainfall events in Zoige Basin in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Hydrology,579,124187.

8. Li Zhiwei, Gao Peng, Lu Hanyou. 2019. Dynamic changes of groundwater storage and flows in a disturbed alpine peatland under variable climatic conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 575, 557-568.

9. Li Zhiwei, Gao Peng. 2019. Impact of natural gullies on groundwater hydrology in Zoige peatland, China. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 21,25-39.

10. Zhao Na, Xu Mengzhen, Li Zhiwei, Wang Zhaoyin, Zhou Hanmi. 2017. Macroinvertebrate distribution and aquatic ecology in the Ruoergai (Zoige) wetland, the Yellow River source region. Frontiers of Earth Science, 11(3), 554-564.

11.Li Yanfu, Li Zhiwei, Wang Zhaoyin, Wang Wenlong, Tian Shimin, Jia Yanhong. 2017. Impacts of artificially planted vegetation on the ecological restoration of movable sand dunes in the Mugetan Desert, northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. International Journal of Sediment Research, 32, 277-287.

12. Li Zhiwei, Wang Zhaoyin, Brierley Gary, Nicoll Tami, Pan Baozhu, Li Yanfu. 2015. Shrinkage of the Ruoergai Swamp and changes to landscape connectivity, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Catena, 126,155-163.


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